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What's Brewing at ECA: Coffee Machine bought with EUSA Survey Prize

24 January 2025

What's Brewing at ECA: Coffee Machine bought with EUSA Survey Prize

Edinburgh University Students' Association had offered a £100 gift voucher to the representative with the most referrals to their Annual Members Survey. As Edinburgh College of Art's elected Post Graduate Research representative (2024-2025), I had pledged that, if we won, the prize would be used to benefit our shared office space.

Thanks to the ECA PGR community coming together, we not only won but helped EUSA achieve a record-breaking 4,487 survey responses—a 92% increase from the previous year!

With the prize money, we’ve purchased a Nespresso coffee pod machine for our shared office kitchen, making our workspace even more welcoming—and us even more caffeinated.

Also seen on:

  • ECA Newsletter (24 Jan 2025) - Link

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